Things I Want To Learn In 6 Months


Who am I? I’m a frontend developer at the start of my career, focused on Vanilla JS and React. Learning for the last 3 years and working as a freelancer in my spare time.

What do I want? Ever since I started to code I have realised that there are always new things to learn (amazing right?) and there is always a way to make the good better.

With that introduction what I want with this post is to tell you all that I have in plan for the next 6 months to learn and practice (and maybe get good at). And I know that the community here on Hashnode is awesome, so if you’re reading this and find that you are skilled on any of the topics listed below and want to show me in the right direction(the best tutorial, that awesome blog post you wrote or any other resources) please leave a comment below or reach out to me in any other way.

  • Notion

Notetaking can be troublesome if you (like me) don’t have it all stored in one place. I have tried a bunch of ways to store my notes from learning, presentations, personal thoughts…(and the list goes on) in apps and on physical paper, with little success. That has led me to Notion, which may be one of the coolest applications of the year. Notion presents a lot of possibilities and some awesome ways to customize it to become a hub for all related to note-taking. But I feel like I only scratched the surface. My goal is to make my own “Second Brain” (read more: )

- CSS animations

Well, I’m always been amazed by animations with CSS. Some developers out there just are incredible with their skills. I’m not talking about fade-in animations on scroll here. I’m talking about some of the crazy stuff you find on Code Pen (like for example this awesome Netflix Intro Animation (Tudum) ( So this has been on my “I-want-to-learn-more-about-this-soon” for a while now.

  • GraphQL

Working with APIs is a joy, there is an API for everything! But it’s not always the smoothest work, here GraphQL solves some of the problems that the REST API has. Just imagine: to only get that small slice of data I want, when I want. This seems to be a skill nice to have, and that more and more teams of web developers seem to look for.

  • Security

I’m a big fan of podcasts about IT security. This has made me understand the importance of security in web applications. I would not want to be invited to be a guest on their shows though. So I would imagine that there are a few must-know ways to make the applications safer for the developers and the end users.

There you have my list of Things I Want To Learn In 6 Months. If you read this far, kudos to you! If any of the topics above is something you find yourself skilled in, please don't hesitate to reach out in any way and give me a nudge in the right direction. It would be much appreciated!